We are so glad you are here

Choosing a school is one of the biggest decisions you will make for your child, and we are here to help you discover who we are and what we offer, so you can make an informed choice for your child’s education.

Here at Arden, every day matters. We have a rich history of providing a vibrant, Christian education for girls and boys, in a hope-filled, caring environment. Our co-educational approach ensures students learn together in a real world and authentic setting, as part of a diverse and inclusive community. Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and creative, to act thoughtfully and respectfully and to nurture their God-given gifts and talents. Our graduates are curious, courageous and compassionate young women and men, with a love of learning and a readiness to serve and make a difference in our world.

Arden is a flourishing, co-educational school with a strong Christian ethos and over 950 girls and boys (Pre-School – Year 12) across our Junior Campus in Beecroft and Secondary Campus in Epping We welcome families from all faiths and denominations to the School.

Guiding Principles

Arden is a non-selective Anglican School within the Diocese of Sydney for girls and boys, Pre-School to Year 12, providing an education underpinned by Christian values.

When reviewing student enrolments for available places at Arden, the School will take into consideration a range of criteria including but not limited to the following (not listed in any order of priority):

The Family Relationship with the School:

  • sibling of a current or former student
  • child of a former student
  • child of a current staff member
  • child of a practising Anglican minister
  • demonstrated attitudes, values and priorities that align with the School’s ethos

The Student:

  • reports from previous schools or prior to school services if transitioning from a pre-school or early learning centre e.g. an early childhood educator’s Transition to School Statement
  • the contribution that the student may make to the School, including sport and co-curricular activities

The School:

  • ability to meet the individual needs or abilities of the student, including any students with disability
  • requirement to ensure equitable delivery of educational services to support the respective cohort
  • supports equal priority of access with regards to the guidelines of the Start Strong Funding program

Other considerations

  • order of receipt – when the enrolment application is received by the School

Notwithstanding the above, the School reserves the right to offer or decline a place to any applicant. 

Entry Points

The main student entry points into Arden are: 
  • Pre-School (age 3-5 years)
  • Kindergarten (your child must turn 5 on or before 30 April of the year they enter Kindergarten)
  • Year 7

Application Process

We welcome Online Enrolment Applications at any time.

At the time of application submission, all supporting documents and payment of the non-refundable $300 Application Fee is required.

The enrolment process for Pre-School and Kindergarten typically commences 12 months prior to entry and for Year 7, two years prior to entry.

Applications for other year groups are welcome, however, placement is dependent on a vacancy in the preferred year group.

Enrolment applications will be waitlisted until the relevant enrolment process can commence. Waitlisted families will be contacted periodically regarding their enrolment at Arden.

After the enrolment application is reviewed, shortlisted applicants will progress to enrolment interview stage after which, successful applicants will receive an Offer of Enrolment.

To secure a position at Arden, families must complete and return the Conditions of Enrolment Form together with payment of the non-refundable Confirmation Fee of $4,000.

Children who are Australian Citizens or Permanent Residents or who hold selected Temporary Visa types are eligible for enrolment at the School. As Arden is not registered with CRICOS, it is not able to enrol overseas Students or anyone studying on a student visa.

To view our Enrolment Policy in full, please visit the Policies page on our website.

A great way to learn more about Arden is to attend one of our Open Mornings. We offer several opportunities for you to visit our Junior and Secondary Campuses at a time that best suits you and your family.

We look forward to meeting you soon.


Our graduates are curious, courageous and compassionate young men and women.